And hey she gets to have school at Krispy Kreme while we wait so not too bad, right? :)
Here is a sneak peak into Teaching Textbooks Geometry and Pre-Algebra. I cannot recommend them enough. The lessons are taught so simply and not over complicated and automatically graded for me - yes! Tip: I have the kids write their daily scores down on their checklist in case of a computer crash and loss of scores which we have dealt with in the past.
More science experiment fun this week as Sarah was learning about the different variables of experiments. How much salt does it take to make an egg float? What motor works best for a cardboard boat?
This was our last week in the USA so each child took a final state quiz. Next week, we're off to Mexico!
My first attempt at freezer meals was a success - tiring but successful and I now have 10 meals in the freezer for a busy basketball season!
We finished up the the first half of Kingdom Tales this week and will begin reading a missionary book next week.
Here is the done pile of books so far this year.
Linking up with Weekly Wrap-Up

it is wrap up time as the break time is here and you could go for your place to enjoy those free time you have within your busy days. read more and you'll be get an better idea about academic papers writing.