Although my children are older and this is intended to share with children ages 5-11, I read this with my daughter who is just a little older and she learnt so much! Quite frankly, so did I!
Wonderfully Made is filled with biblical answers straight from the Word of God as well as the science behind the miracle of birth. You see, the world has tainted the beauty of birth but God created us in His own image and that is what I want to teach my children. Marriage, conception, and birth are His gift and beautiful in His sight!
From conception in the womb through the nine months within the mother's womb, the miracle of life is beautifully illustrated on every page of this hardback 48 page picture book.
To enhance the book even more, Danika is offering several free printables to go along with the release - posters, Scripture cards, and a lapbook!

One of our favorite verses - "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13

You can purchase Wonderfully Made several different ways:
Christian Book: Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth
Here is a little more about from the author and the background story of Wonderfully Made:
1. What inspired you to write Wonderfully Made?
One of my kids' favorite stories has always been the story of how God formed each of them in the womb, how they're special and loved, and how anticipated their births were. They loved hearing about the day of their birth. I wanted moms in other families to be able to share that story with their children using science, Scripture, and beautiful illustrations.
2. What was your main goal in writing Wonderfully Made?
I want children to understand that they're individually and purposefully created by a loving God, and that there is a second birth into the Kingdom of Heaven available to them. Each child is unique and special, and each is loved dearly not only by their parents, but also by their Father in Heaven.
I also want a new generation of children to grow up understanding the marvelous truth of what happens in the womb, and when it happens. I want them to know what Scripture says about life in the womb--both the creation of life and the existence of life.
Both of those goals were heavy on my heart while writing Wonderfully Made, and I'm overjoyed to see the book available to families around the world.
3. Which part of researching Wonderfully Made was the most personally interesting to you?
Did you know that a baby's heart starts beating at four weeks? That's actually two weeks after conception. By eight weeks, six weeks after conception, all of the organs--other than the lungs--are working! And babies dream in the womb three months before they're born. How amazing is that? Learning about the development of babies in the womb was so much fun for me. I also loved going through the Scripture that talks about life in the womb.
At the end of the book is the explanation of rebirth in Christ and how that can be done.
"According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..." 1 Peter 1:3b
"According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..." 1 Peter 1:3b
Oh how delighted we are for writers who share science, art, and love while glorifying our Father in Heaven! The price for this book is very economical and it would also make a perfect gift for expectant mothers! So don't put off answering those tough questions any longer. Celebrate God's most wonderful creation. You are His masterpiece! Wonderfully Made will do all the hard work for you. You can just lay back on the couch, enjoy, and explore with your children!

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