My son, Jonathan, has been interested in different forms of animation so we were thrilled to receive the Stopmotion Explosion Animation Kit to review. As a part of his school curriculum this year, he has been studying video including recording and editing so this was another great addition. He has his own YouTube channel where he usually shares about Minecraft. He has always been a Lego lover as well so this was the perfect fit for him.
Stopmotion Explosion has designed a kit to help interested animators of all ages create high definition stop motion films. The kit includes everything you need to complete your own stop motion films.
Here's what is included:
- The Stopmotion Explosion: Animate ANYTHING and Make MOVIES book which contains over 290 pages including a short history of animation and step by step animation instructions. This comprehensive resource includes tips on creating stories, building the sets, lighting techniques, adding sound clips, video editing, frame conversion and so much more! It gives your student suggestions on camera choices, video editing software choices, and different ways to share their creations. I loved that it introduces students to a glossary of words like hue, white balance, compression, BMP, resolution, pixel, and many more.
- A 12 page quick start guide which will have you diving right in to the art of stop motion quickly.
- A camera allowing images of 720p High Definition resolution (1280x720). The camera is small and has a clip that can attach to most any surface. On the top of the camera is the "framegrabber" button which allows you to capture the images needed for your film. The camera also has a USB cord allowing you to sync with your computer and save the files you capture. In order for the camera to work, it has to be attached by USB. You can adjust the camera's focus by turning the ring on the front.
- A software CD that contains the Stopmotion Explosion Animator where you make your images come to life, sound effects collection, Audacity program which allows you to make voice recordings, and Windows Media Video player. It also includes sample videos and a storyboard printable to help your student when they are creating their stories. It has very clear black and white illustrations all through out the book to help the visual learner.
If you already have cameras, apps, and editing software that you are familiar with then the book may be all you need but if you're looking to start from the beginning the kit is a great deal. Having some background in making videos, Jonathan felt that it would have been easier for him to use his phone to make a creation. He did like the quality of the camera and the ease of just clicking the button to quickly grab the many images he needed to make his movie.
He took over 400 images to make his 32 second video! It took way longer to complete than he expected. This kit introduces students to serious video animation skills! I think he's only skimmed the surface of what he really could achieve with the Stopmotion Explosion Animation Kit, time and dedication.
Without further ado, please enjoy the art of stop motion animation:
You will also need to have access to these software/computer requirements:
- Windows and OS X compatible
- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10 supported
- CD-ROM Drive or other device to download software
Find out more about Stopmotion Explosion on Facebook, and Twitter.

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