Recently, we began using these American History Task Cards published by Creek Edge Press in our homeschool. Until the review came up, I had never even heard of these little treasures.
The American History Task Card set includes 33 cards and an Introduction to the course for the teacher. The cards may be used by students in grades K - 8 and are intended to be used at a pace of about one per week. I have 3 children in that range and used the cards with all three and we took 2 weeks to complete a card just so we could go at a slower pace. Topics begin with the First Americans and go up to the Digital Age.
The cards, as shown in the sample below, each come with several tasks listed for your child to complete.
Tasks cover research, map work, summaries, time line work, biographical figures, literature, copy work and simple projects such as collages designed to reinforce learning.
Each Task Card Set includes a set of Task Cards and an Introduction to the course for the teacher. The Introduction to the course for the teacher includes instructions for using the cards, instructions for preparing the learning environment, tips to help you thrive with the Task Card Approach, and lists of books and enrichment materials that can be used to complete the tasks. Detailed images of the cards and learning environment samples can be seen here, There is also a link to the Scope and Sequence for each card which can be found here.
Amy Kate Hilsman designed the task cards with the goal of providing a simple tool that pulls together the best of Classical, Charlotte Mason, and Montessori education. You can read more about origin of these cards here.
For us personally, these cards were a perfect way to expand our current American History studies and memory work. I love the independence of the task cards but I also love the fact that we can do all the tasks together if we choose too or skip some portions if needed. They were very easily conformed to fit our homeschool. The price of each history set is $20 or you can purchase the set for $90. For us, that is extremely affordable and one less thing for me to do - win/win!
Visit the online store to see all the sets that are available. Some topics the sets include are geography, science, music, art and more.
Here is a little of our map work activity in action. Sarah was tracing, finding and labeling the first 13 states.
Here is a little of our map work activity in action. Sarah was tracing, finding and labeling the first 13 states.

Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of these and other Task Card Sets.
**Disclaimer: I received free set in exchange for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!

These sound amazing! You get to review some great stuff!