Today's Wisdom

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up for Week #23

Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Sickness!!  Sickness!!  It's wearing me out!!  It could be so much worse, I know, but I am so ready for normal routine even as crazy as our "normal" usually is!  We did manage to get a little school work done despite the sickies this week so that was good.  I have decided not to participate in the science fair this year.  With all the sickness we've had we would be highly rushed and then the whole reason we do it (to have fun!) would be zapped from us. 

We are reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl this week. Next week our local Act for youth team will put on the play so we'll be taking a field trip to see that after we finish reading the book.

I have been researching and drooling over curriculum choices for next year this week too. So, I've spent way too much time on the computer! Definitely going to be adding this to our bookshelves.

To end our week we took a very special field trip!  We got to see our favorite man in action!  Hubby explained all about transporting fuel to our local stations.  It was very interesting and so nice to get out of the house finally!!  Stephen exclaimed, "that was the best field trip, EVER!". 

That's a wrap on our week.  For more weekly wrap-ups check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

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