Today's Wisdom

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Weekly Wrap Up - Weeks 2 & 3

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It's been a few weeks again but here I am!  I guess better late than never!  I'm going to update on Weeks 2 & 3 with a little vacation thrown into the middle.

Week 2 

I've been making good use of my old Ultimate Homeschool Planner.  It had so many boxes left blank that I just couldn't bring myself not to add more.  The last 3 sections are from this year.  I use the little sections to add in each child's subject work.  The 3rd section is where I am planning the subjects we are doing together.  The sections are small so I use my own form of shorthand and it works out just fine.  This will be my 3rd year using this same planner!  I never used the monthly sections much anyway so this works for me.   I also color code my students for a quick reference.

Stephen started Friendly Chemistry and so far it is another curriculum that we can add to our love list!  All of my children love experiments and hands on science and our choice of this and Exploration Education have been the perfect fit.  Here he is testing out several white colored substances to see if they had any starch.  He did a great job guessing what they were too!

Sarah finished up The Little House series last year and has dived into Anne of Green Gables for this year.

Back to School Vacation Fun

For several years we would always take a back to school beach getaway break when most children were headed back to school as rates drop tremendously at that time.  Since we've taken a few bigger vacation trips the past few years, it had been a while since we had been back.  It is just as peaceful and refreshing as always.  

The water was a little chilly since it was cloudy most of the time but hey we saved on sunblock.  😅

We decided to take in the Pirates Voyage show and also did not disappoint! 

One of my all time favorite activities is to watch the sunrise over the ocean.  Since it was so cloudy, I was afraid that we might not get to see it.  However, it rose with full majesty and splendor!  Praises to my Creator - the maker of the heaven and earth, sky and sea.  Oh what beauty!  

It reminds me of a verse I read this week in James. 

James 5:13 - Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises.

We also took in a little mini golf.  This was a fun place as each hole had excerpts from Treasure Island to read.  So a little literature while golfing screams homeschool field trip, right?

Sarah celebrated her 14th birthday at the end of the week.  So hard to believe that my baby is 14! For many years, she has wanted to make her own birthday cake but this year she wanted someone else to do it.  Wal-mart received the job bid and they provided a beautiful tie dye cake!   

Week 3

Vacation over...birthday over...

So, it was back to home and school for week 3.  Currently, in Chemistry Stephen is experimenting and familiarizing himself with elements.   Here, he is burning a marshmallow so that it was a hollow shell of carbon when he was done.  

Sarah continues to do experiments with the racer she built in Week 1.  She is currently learning about speed, distance, displacement, and velocity.  

Our sweet Sarabeth also celebrated a birthday!  She turned 1!!

And that, my friends, is another few weeks to add to the record books!

Coming soon - 2018 Budget Calendars!

I'm linking up with Homeschool Highlights and Weekly Wrap-Up.


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