Our family recently had the opportunity to review The World's Greatest Stories. The World's Greatest Stories contains Bible stories on cd/tape. The stories are taken directly from the Bible with nothing added or deleted. They make those familiar stories come to life through your radio speakers!
The stories are presented by George W. Harris, who has been the principal spokesman for local, regional, and national radio and television commercials for clients such as Burger King, Duracell, Pizza Hut, Sprint, UPS and Honda. Industrial firms for which he has been a principal spokesman include AT&T, IBM, American Express, Dupont and BMW.
The cd/tapes are available in six volumes in either NIV or KJV of the Bible. We reviewed Volume 1 - The Prophets in the NIV cd version.
Volume 1 - The Prophets includes the following titles...
- The Blazing Furnace - Daniel 3
- The Handwriting on the Wall - Daniel 5
- Daniel in the Lion's Den - Daniel 6
- Elijah & the Prophets of Baal - 1 Kings 17-18
- The Prophecy of Jonah - The Book of Johan
Volume 2 - The Life of Christ includes the following titles...
- The Real Story of Christmas - Luke 1:26-38; Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20; Matt. 2; Luke 2:40
- The Baptism & Temptation of Jesus - Matthew 3:1 - 4:23
- The Healing of the Blind Man - John 9 - 10
- Things Jesus Said & Did - Luke 18:1-30; 35-19:10
- The Real Story of Easter - John 18 - 20
Volume 3 - Beginnings includes the following titles...
- In the Beginning - Genesis 1 - 4
- A Lame Man in Lystra - Acts 14:8-22
- A Jailer in Philippi - Acts 16:11-40
- The Story of Ruth - The Book of Ruth
- The Raising of Lazarus - John 11:1 - 12:11
Volume 4 - Joshua & Esther include the following titles...
- The Battle of Jericho - Joshua 1 - 6
- The Book of Esther - The Book of Esther
Volume 5 - Joseph & His Brothers includes the following titles...
- Joseph & His Brothers - Genesis 37:2 - 46:7, Genesis 46:28 - 50:26
Volume 6 - Defeating Giants includes the following titles...
- David & Goliath - I Samuel 17
- Namaan the Leper - II Kings 5
- Micaiah the Prophet & Jehoshaphat the King - II Chronicles 18-20
- The Sacrifice of Isaac - Genesis 21:1-22:19
- Gideon & His 300 Men - Judges 6:1-8:28
I would highly recommend these to every family or Bible teacher! In today's world of go-go-go, these make it so easy to hide the Word of God in your child's heart. My children begged for more and never wanted us to reach our destination because they knew it meant stopping the stories for a little while!
Each cd/tape can be purchased here for only $7.95 + s/h. If you buy all six volumes at once you receive free shipping/handling!

Don't forget to check out what my fellow crewmates thought of The World's Greatest Stories.
**Disclaimer: I received a free sample of this cd in exchange for my review. The opinions here are my honest and true evaluation!
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